Posts Tagged With: Star

Star Light

“We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.”
-Matthew 2:2

This past week Christians heard about a bright LIGHT.
A star, a star, dancing in the night, with a tail as big as a kite.  The three kings followed that star, with complete trust that they would be brought to a great king. They traveled far to find the Messiah. They stayed focused on the star, they did not take their eyes off it as they traveled, they came bearing gifts for the King and they were rewarded, they found what they were seeking.  The Christ Child! 

 *Have you ever followed a star?
 *Have you ever took a journey that ended
   with a surprise treasure at the end?
 *Do you seek truth in others and in yourself?
 *Have you ever been light for someone else?

Light is a remarkable energy! It is often taken for granted everyday. We awake not thinking that the sun may not rise…we expect light each morning. As our family was driving home from Colorado, it can be easy to focus on the long lonely stretch of I-80, that seems to never end. But not this trip. Nebraska brought a stunning sunrise. Watching the sun slowly and intentionally break in a new day was a gift. The hope of a new day was given to me that morning. 

Light is amazing as it sets too. So many Florida sunsets closed the days on the Gulf of Mexico as we relaxed in loved ones arms, sand in our toes and a bottle of wine between us. The dreams that we lived that day and hopes that we shared set with the promise of a new day rising.

Light is a gift – the Star is a gift. Christ brings light into our lives much more that the sun brings light into our days. What gifts do we receive from the Light, what gifts do we share because of the beautiful we receive from these gifts. Keep your eye on the star!

Bring your GIFTS!!
Share your GIFTS!!
Seek the LIGHT!!
Be LIGHT for others!!

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